Help! There Are So Many Wasp Nests On My Jacksonville Property

hornets next with hornets at the entrance

Finding wasps around your home is both frustrating and frightening. These common stinging insects can inflict painful stings when they become aggressive, which is a threat to the safety of you and your family.

In this article, we’ll go over the many types of wasps found in our area and the best way to keep them away from your home. To receive immediate assistance with your wasp problem, turn to our professionals here at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. For years we’ve been committed to delivering high-quality pest control in Jacksonville to ensure your property is protected from pests year-round. No matter what type of pests are causing problems in your home, we can help. Contact us today to get started!

The Types Of Wasps That Invade Jacksonville Yards

Protecting your home from wasps is a tough task to accomplish. However, knowing which species of wasps live here in Jacksonville can help when it comes to finding the right control method. The most common types of wasps in our area include:

  • Paper wasps
  • Yellowjackets
  • Bald-faced hornets

Find the perfect wasp control solution for your home by partnering with Wildlife and Pest Control Experts today. 

The Dangers Wasps Can Cause On Your Property

Wasps are known for their ability to sting multiple times in a row. These frustrating pests pose a significant threat when they nest on your property. While many wasp species are solitary, others are social and live together in large nests. Social wasp species may attack potential threats as a large group, which is incredibly dangerous if you’re the one they choose to swarm at. In general, wasp stings result in mild pain and swelling. However, stings from these pests are potentially life-threatening for individuals allergic to their venom.

The safest way to deal with a wasp infestation is with the help of a licensed pest control professional. Reach out to Wildlife and Pest Control Experts to request an inspection or schedule a service visit. 

Six Practical Tips To Prevent Nesting Wasps

Keeping wasps away isn’t easy, but there are a few methods you can utilize to prevent these pests from nesting around your property:

  1. Keep your food covered when you eat outdoors
  2. Seal entry points in your roof eaves and soffits
  3. Replace torn window and door screens
  4. Keep your garbage cans shut tight
  5. Close off outdoor buildings such as sheds and garages
  6. Contact the professionals as soon as you see wasp nests around your home

If wasps have taken over your property, Wildlife and Pest Control Experts can help remove them. Give us a call today for assistance with all your home pest control needs. 

Call The Professionals For Total Wasp Control For Your Yard

Out of the many pests that can invade your residential property, wasps are some of the most painful to deal with. These irritating pests will sting you multiple times if they believe you’re threatening their nests, which means removing them from your property is your best option.

At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we are committed to helping homeowners keep their properties protected from pests by implementing effective control and prevention strategies. It’s our goal to eliminate pest problems at their source and keep them from returning in the future.

Whether you’re dealing with wasps, bees, or other insect pests, you can count on Wildlife and Pest Control Experts to get rid of them once and for all. Controlling wasps in Jacksonville is a difficult challenge, so let us help. Give us a call today for more details about all of our effective pest management solutions.

Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!

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