The Ultimate Guide To Squirrel Control: Keep Your Jacksonville Home And Yard Safe

squirrel eating a nut

Effective pest control in Jacksonville is essential for maintaining a safe and peaceful living environment. Among the many critters that can wreak havoc on your property, squirrels are particularly notorious. With their nimble nature and affinity for mischief, these furry creatures can cause extensive damage to your home and garden if left unchecked. 

This comprehensive guide aims to equip Jacksonville's residents with practical strategies and expert tips on squirrel control. From understanding squirrel behavior and identifying signs of an infestation to implementing humane deterrent methods and seeking professional assistance, we'll empower you to protect your home and yard against these rodents.

Habits And Behaviors Of Common Tree Squirrels

Tree squirrels, often a subject of interest and occasional frustration, are agile and resourceful creatures that can become a challenge for homeowners. Common in many regions, including Jacksonville, these rodents have distinct habits and behaviors. 

Tree squirrels are diurnal, meaning they are most active during daylight hours. They exhibit excellent climbing and jumping skills, allowing them to access rooftops, attics, and bird feeders. 

Squirrels are also notorious for their gnawing tendencies, as they continuously chew to maintain the health and sharpness of their teeth. Understanding their habits and behaviors is crucial in implementing effective squirrel pest control measures to protect your property from their relentless intrusions.

Why You Don't Want Squirrels Hanging Around

Squirrels may seem harmless and even adorable, but having them hanging around your property can lead to numerous problems.

These agile rodents have a knack for finding their way into attics, crawl spaces, and walls, causing structural damage and potential fire hazards by gnawing on electrical wires. 

Squirrels in Jacksonville are also notorious for raiding bird feeders and gardens, destroying crops, and disrupting the peaceful harmony of your yard. In addition, their constant chewing habits can damage trees and outdoor furniture. 

Understanding the risks associated with squirrels emphasizes the importance of effective pest control for squirrels to protect your home, yard, and overall peace of mind.

Five Simple Yet Effective Squirrel Prevention Tips

Controlling squirrels and keeping them at bay requires proactive measures. Here are five simple yet effective squirrel prevention tips:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps or openings squirrels can squeeze through, such as cracks in the foundation or unscreened vents. Use caulk or steel mesh to seal these entry points and prevent their access.
  2. Trim Tree Branches: Squirrels use overhanging branches as a pathway to your home. Trim branches within six feet of your house to eliminate their easy access and deter their presence.
  3. Secure Trash Bins: Squirrels are attracted to food sources, including trash bins. Invest in sturdy, lidded containers to prevent these resourceful critters from rummaging through your garbage and creating a mess.
  4. Install Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders: If you enjoy feeding birds, opt for bird feeders designed to deter squirrels.
  5. Remove Food Sources: Keep your yard clean from fallen fruits, nuts, and bird food, as these can entice squirrels to linger. Regularly sweep and rake your outdoor spaces to minimize potential food sources.

Implementing these five simple yet effective squirrel prevention tips can greatly reduce the likelihood of squirrel infestations.

Contact The Wildlife Experts For The Best Squirrel Control

When it comes to effective tree squirrel control, seeking professional assistance is crucial. At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we specialize in handling wildlife intrusions, including squirrel infestations. 

Our experienced team understands the behavior and habits of squirrels, employing proven methods to safely and humanely remove them from your property. Whether it's sealing entry points, implementing exclusion techniques, or providing long-term prevention strategies, our wildlife experts have the expertise to ensure a squirrel-free environment. 

Contact Wildlife and Pest Control Experts today for the best solutions in squirrel control, protecting your home, and keeping you safe.

Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!

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