What To Do About Opossums Hanging Around Your Jacksonville Yard

opossum on street

If you’re a homeowner in Jacksonville, Florida, you might have noticed opossums hanging around your yard at night. While these nocturnal creatures can be interesting to observe, they can also become a nuisance and cause damage to your property. To address this issue, you may need to consider pest control in Jacksonville which specializes in opossum control and general wildlife control. In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips for keeping opossums at bay and protecting your yard from their presence.

The Short Life Of An Opossum

The opossum, also known as the possum, is a unique and fascinating animal often viewed as a pest. Although they have a lifespan of up to two to four years in the wild, many opossums in Jacksonville do not make it to old age due to various factors such as predation, disease, and human interference. Opossums can be a nuisance to homeowners, often causing damage to gardens and structures, which is why opossum pest control is sometimes necessary. Despite their short life span and reputation as a pest, opossums play an important role in controlling insect and rodent populations and should be treated with respect and care.

Opossums Can Be Dangerous

While opossums may seem harmless and even cute, they can be dangerous when provoked or cornered. When threatened, they may hiss, bare their teeth, and even play dead as a defense mechanism. Additionally, opossums are known carriers of various diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets. It is important to handle opossums with care and avoid approaching them. In cases where opossums become a persistent problem, it’s best to call on professional wildlife control services to safely remove them from your property. Don't take any risks with these potentially dangerous animals.

The Safe And Effective Way To Remove Opossums From Your Property

If you have opossums causing problems on your property, it's important to handle the situation safely and effectively. There are various opossum control methods, including live trapping and exclusion, that can be used to remove these pests. However, it's recommended to seek the assistance of wildlife control professionals in Jacksonville, such as Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, to ensure the safe and humane removal of opossums. At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we have the necessary knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle opossums and other wildlife safely and effectively. Don't risk injury or harm to yourself or the opossums - call on us today for safe wildlife removal.

Simple Tips To Prevent Opossums From Coming Back

After successfully removing opossums from your property, it's important to take steps to prevent them from returning. Here are some simple wildlife prevention tips to keep in mind:

  • Secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids to prevent opossums from accessing food sources.
  • Keep your yard clean and debris-free, such as fallen fruit and tree limbs, which can attract opossums seeking shelter.
  • Seal off any entry points to your home, such as gaps in foundations, crawl spaces, or attic vents, to prevent opossums from entering.
  • Install motion-activated lighting or a sprinkler system to deter opossums from entering your yard.
  • Consider planting natural repellents, such as lavender or mint, around your property to discourage opossums.

These simple tips can go a long way in preventing opossums from coming back to your property. However, if you continue to have problems, it's best to contact us at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts for professional assistance. We can provide additional advice and help you develop a more comprehensive plan for opossum prevention. Don’t hesitate to call us today.

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