How Do I Get Rid Of Termites In My Jacksonville Home?

closeup of termite

There are too many things to worry about in life without worrying about termites chewing holes through your home. These local insects are more than just annoying; they are a severe threat to floors, walls, ceilings, beams, and other structural wood indoors.

The question is, how do you get rid of termites? We are going to talk about this today. Call Wildlife and Pest Control Experts for information about pest control in Jacksonville and learn about our termite control options. Keep reading to discover more about these wood-destroying pests and the problems they cause in our area.

What Are Termites?

In order to understand why termites are a big deal, you have to understand a bit about these pests. First, know that subterranean termites are one of the most common types of termites in Jacksonville. As their name suggests, these pests live underground inside large nests. They use tunnels to move closer to gatherable sources of cellulose nearby. Cellulose is the main component found in things like wood and leaves.

Each termite colony consists of different castes of members. There are workers, soldiers, reproductives, and reproductive swarmers. Swarmers are winged reproductives that are tasked with finding new areas to build nests and eat food. Keeping all of this in mind, here is why you do not want termites chewing their way through your home.

Is Termite Damage A Big Deal?

Termites will not destroy your home in a day. They cannot even cause severe damage within a month. However, problems arise when these pests are allowed to chew through structural wood for several months. They are able to do this because of how silently they work.

On average, Americans spend over 5 billion dollars each year dealing with these pests and the damage they cause. In most cases, termite damage repair can cost anywhere from $600 to several thousand dollars. This all depends on how long these pests were able to chew away at structural wood before they were noticed. Sometimes minor termite damage doesn't require any repair work. This is one reason why we recommend having your home inspected for these pests at least once a year.

Can I Get Rid Of Termites Myself?

There are many DIY pest control options available for most pests that invade homes here in Jacksonville. Unfortunately, this is not the case with termites. Because of the nature in which these insects invade homes, specialty treatments are required. Most professionals use injected liquid treatments or some form of bait stations and monitoring equipment. This level of protection is necessary to have any effect on these typically subterranean pests. 

If you are thinking about facing an infestation on your own using professional-grade methods, remember that they can fail if utilized improperly. To make sure your home has comprehensive and reliable protection, it is always best to bring in an expert. 

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Termites?

The best option for termite control in Jacksonville lies with the Wildlife and Pest Control Experts team. We are a dedicated local provider with a passion for helping members of our community fight back against destructive insects like termites. In fact, treating these pests is our specialty. All you have to do is let us know you need help, and we will make an appointment for your Jacksonville property.

Get in touch with our Wildlife and Pest Control Experts team now to learn more about our termite control and find what you need to combat or identify these pests in Jacksonville. Request a free inspection today!

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