Restoring Cleanliness: Essential After-Infestation Sanitation Services In Jacksonville

raccoon in tree

Wild animals don’t just cause problems when inside your home; the aftermath of a wildlife issue is just as problematic. At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we help Jacksonville homeowners remove unwanted wildlife and then offer peace of mind by performing effective wildlife sanitation services in Jacksonville. 

The Impact Of Wildlife Infestations On Home Hygiene

When wild animals enter your home, they are more than a nuisance and more than destructive; they pose significant health risks. Before entering your home, wildlife in Jacksonville lives in less than sanitary conditions. In their excrement and saliva, and on their bodies, they carry a wide variety of bacteria, parasites, and disease-causing pathogens. 

Inside our homes, as wild animals move around building nesting sites and foraging for food, they contaminate surfaces, food, and water with things that make people ill. The presence of wildlife in your home also negatively affects air quality. Their shed fur, feces, and urine put allergens into the air, contributing to allergies and triggering asthma attacks. 

Understanding The Cleanup Process: Post-Wildlife Infestation

If nuisance wildlife ever finds its way into your home, the first step to take is to contact a wildlife control expert to remove your unwanted houseguests. After their removal, it is time to clean up the mess and unsanitary conditions the animals left behind. While you may want to clean up the mess on your own, letting our professionals handle the mess is best. 

Here is a quick, easy-to-understand overview of the clean-up services we provide:

  • Using special biological treatments, we will sanitize the areas of your home soiled by wildlife feces and urine.

  • We will remove and replace any insulation in your home contaminated by wildlife.

  • Our professionals will inspect your attic, remove all evidence of wildlife, sanitize the area, and replace insulation.

  • Through exclusion work, we will make changes to your home to ensure that wild animals won’t be able to move into your structure in the future. 

Have peace of mind knowing that our professionals are well-versed in wildlife cleanup. We will use our advanced repair and clean-up services to restore your home to its pre-wildlife condition. 

Expert Wildlife Cleanup Services: Contact Us To Reclaim Your Home

If wildlife has infiltrated your home, we can help. Not only will our professionals provide services to remove these unwanted animals, but we will also provide you with necessary clean-up services. 

We are committed to Jacksonville homeowners and providing wildlife control and sanitation services to help you reclaim your home. Get your house back into tip-top shape after a wildlife infestation with the help of Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. We want to ensure your home is safe and sanitized; for more information about our local wildlife control services, please call us today. 

Creating a Wildlife-Resistant Home: Best Practices for Prevention

In addition to our exclusion services, there are several steps that you can take to help make your home more resistant to wildlife:

  • Get rid of standing water from your property to avoid providing wildlife with a water source on your property. 

  • Eliminate outdoor food sources like birdseed, pet food, food scraps, and trash.

  • Cut back overgrown shrubbery, bushes, and trees from your home’s exterior. 

  • Install pest-proof fencing around gardens and the base of sheds and decks.

  • Get rid of fallen trees, wood piles, and other yard debris that offer wildlife places to live and breed. 

The less attractive your yard is to wildlife, the better. When wild animals are regular visitors to your property, the more chance there is that they will eventually find their way into your home. To learn more about wildlife control in Jacksonville, reach out now.

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