How Jacksonville Pet Owners Can Reduce Their Risk For Tick Activity

close up of tick

While ticks are the most active during the spring and summer months, you can usually find these exterior parasites in your yard or on your pets in September and October as well. Ticks are in almost every outdoor setting, but there are some things that you can do to make your yard seem less attractive. 

If you are tired of battling ticks around your property throughout the majority of the year, Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are here to help. Jacksonville tick control can be challenging, but our experienced technicians know the best way to keep these dangerous bugs away from your home. 

How Ticks Threaten Jacksonville Pets And People

Most cats and dogs like to spend a lot of time outside. While it is important that your pet gets enough exercise each day, if they spend a lot of their time in shaded areas or tall grass, they are likely to pick up a tick or two, which could cause them to become ill. Ticks carry a wide variety of diseases they could transmit to your pet when they bite them. Some of the most common tick-borne illnesses that our tick exterminators have seen pets contract include:

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever

  • Lyme disease

  • Canine hepatozoonosis

  • Canine babesiosis

  • Canine ehrlichiosis

Ticks in Jacksonville insert their mouths into their host's body; this allows them to "stick" to their host while they feed. Unfortunately, ticks don't don't just take a little bit of blood and leave. Instead, they will stay attached to their host until they are physically pulled away from them or become so full that they fall off their host. If the tick attaches itself to a person, the person will usually pick it off in a matter of minutes. However, if they get on an animal, the tick will hide under the fur and can stay attached for an extended period, which could become anemia; this is why tick control is so important if you have pets. 

How Ticks Get Into Jacksonville Yards And Inside Jacksonville Homes

Ticks will typically use animals as their preferred mode of transportation. Many ticks will attach themselves to wild animals, such as squirrels, rabbits, and other pests. Those animals will then deposit the ticks into your yard when they are passing through. When your pet goes outside, the tick will then use your furry companion and hitch a ride into your house. By teaming with a pest control company that specializes in tick lawn treatment, you will be able to reduce your chances of seeing these blood-feeding creatures in your home. 

What To Do If Your Pet Has Been Bitten By A Tick

If you find a tick on your pet, you should try to remove it as soon as possible. To do this, use a pair of tweezers, grab the tick as close to the skin as you can, and pull the tick away in one quick motion. You should also have your yard inspected and treated for ticks by an experienced tick control specialist. 

Tick Prevention Tips For Jacksonville Residents

Unfortunately, Jacksonville residents have to deal with ticks throughout most of the year. At Wildlife and Pest Control experts, our Jacksonville home pest control professionals know the best way to keep you and your pets safe from these disease-ridden arachnids. Give us a call today to schedule your inspection.

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