Dealing With Nuisance Wildlife: Effective Strategies For Control And Prevention In Jacksonville

raccoon in tree

Wildlife pests can create a lot of issues for Jacksonville homeowners. The threat of property damage, disease, and the general nuisance of trying to get rid of many of these pests is enough to scare anyone. 

This article should help you understand the basics of wildlife control in Jacksonville. We’ll talk about a few of the various kinds of wildlife pests you might encounter in the area, how to identify them, as well as the damage these pests can cause if left unchecked, and how you can prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place. 

Finally, we’ll discuss the best way to handle any wildlife pest problem – working with a professional pest control company to remove them safely from your property. Here at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we’re passionate about helping customers experience peace of mind and freedom from pests.

Common Wildlife Intruders: Identifying The Culprits 

First, let’s make sure you can quickly identify some of the most common wildlife pests found in the Jacksonville area; this is an essential step to proper wildlife control. We’ll focus on three in this article – squirrels, raccoons, and pigeons. 

Squirrels are rodents with long, bushy tails. They vary widely in color depending on the species, including gray, brown, yellow, and red. They have long bodies with short, thick fur. 

Raccoons are nocturnal mammals most easily identified by the black mask around their eyes. Their fur is a salt-and-pepper gray color. They are stocky and about 2 to 3 feet long. 

Pigeons are usually gray with two black bars on their wings and a black band on their tails. They measure up to 11 inches long. 

It’s often best to call a wildlife expert for help removing these pests.

Assessing Wildlife Damage: The Impact Of Nuisance Animals On A Home

Nuisance wildlife like the ones above can cause many problems for homeowners. Squirrels will often get into gardens and birdfeeders, and they can damage heating and air conditioning systems as well as insulation and electrical wiring. Raccoons are known to get into trash, steal from gardens, and eat poultry. They are also one of the most common carriers of rabies. Pigeons will also get into the trash. They carry fleas, mites, ticks, lice, and other pests, and their feces is extremely toxic and can cause histoplasmosis. 

When you need help with local wildlife removal, contacting a professional pest control company is usually best.

Preventing Wildlife Encounters: Proactive Tips For Property Owners 

Getting rid of wildlife pests is often a difficult and frustrating process. It’s best to put preventative measures in place ahead of time to keep these pests from impacting your property. Here are some simple tips that should help: 

  • Seal any cracks or gaps in the exterior of your home.

  • Get rid of birdbaths, birdfeeders, and loose birdseed.

  • Clean up debris around your yard.

  • Store trash in sealed containers within locked outbuildings.

These tips should help you keep these pests away from your yard. If you experience a wildlife pest infestation, contacting a professional wildlife removal service is often best.

Ready To Take Action? Contact Our Wildlife Experts Today! 

If you’re a Jacksonville homeowner looking for professional wildlife control near you, look no further than our team at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. We’ve been serving our community for years, helping customers just like you get rid of all manner of pests. You can count on us to bring years of industry experience, friendly service, and eco-friendly practices to every job we do. 

Contact Wildlife and Pest Control Experts today to ask about our free estimates.