Getting Rid Of Mice: What The Experts In Jacksonville Want You To Know

tiny mouse in a cabinet

Mice are a common issue for homeowners during the colder months of the year. They are often found in homes in the winter, partly because houses are an ideal shelter for these pests.

In this article, we’ll help you understand the basic principles of mouse control in Jacksonville. We’ll talk about how to identify the common house mouse, as well as the general differences between mice and other common rodents. Next, we’ll go over the potential problems and costs that can result from not getting rid of mice quickly. After that, we’ll discuss the best method for removing mice from your home before they cause too much damage. Our team at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts is passionate about helping homeowners overcome any pest problem they might be facing. 

Lastly, we’ll give you some helpful, practical tips that should prevent mice from getting into your home in the first place.

Identifying The Common Mouse: Differentiating Mice From Other Rodents 

To start, let’s take a quick look at the most common type of mouse found throughout the United States – the house mouse. House mice vary in color from light brown to dark gray. They typically have creamy white bellies. Their bodies are round, measuring 2 1/2 to 3 3/4 inches long. Their tails are slightly longer than their bodies, measuring 2 3/4 to 4 inches long. They have large eyes and ears and pointed noses. Other rodents, such as rats and squirrels, tend to be much larger than mice. Rats usually have smaller ears and eyes, and squirrels have large, bushy tails, in contrast to the hairless tails mice possess. 

Now that you’ve learned a bit about house mice let’s talk about the risks these pests bring with them.. 

The Cost Of Delayed Mouse Removal: Health Risks And Property Damage 

If you suspect you might have a mouse problem in your home, you should attempt to remove it immediately. If mice aren’t taken care of quickly, they can easily multiply. A mouse infestation can spread diseases such as salmonella, hantavirus, food poisoning, and rat-bite fever. Mice also host various other pests, such as fleas, ticks, lice, and mites. Mouse urine can cause allergic reactions, and mouse feces can lead to asthma attacks. Mice will also damage electrical wires, insulation, interior walls, and food packaging.

The Importance Of Prompt Mouse Removal: Call Us Right Away! 

Now that you understand the threat of mice in the home let’s talk about the best way to get rid of mice for good. 

The best mouse removal results usually come from professional pest control services. Here at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we’re proud to serve the Jacksonville community. We bring industry expertise, competitive warranties, and a passion for helping our neighbors live pest-free lives. Contact us today and ask about our free estimates.

Preventative Measures For Mice: Keep Them Out Before They Get In 

The final step in complete mouse removal is making sure they can’t get into your home in the future. Here are just a few things that you can do to keep mice away: 

  • Don’t leave food out overnight.

  • Store food in tightly sealed containers

  • Take out the trash regularly.

  • Reduce excess moisture in and around your home.

  • Seal any gaps or openings in the exterior of your house. 

These tips will help you protect yourself and your family from mice. If you need help getting rid of these pests, Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are always just a call away.

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