Say Good Riddance To Ants In Your Jacksonville Home

ants on a crumb

Ants are one of the most common pests to get into our homes. If you are ready to say goodbye to ants once and for all, the team at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts is here to assist you. We know how problematic, invasive, and frustrating ants are in Florida. Their tiny size, excellent sense of smell, and top-notch communication skills make these pests a force to be reckoned with. 

We want to help you avoid issues with these pests by providing helpful information about ants, why they are in your home, and how ant pest control services in Jacksonville will help you avoid problems with these problematic pests.  

One Ant Always Means Many More

The most important thing to learn about ants in Jacksonville is that if you see one, many more are nearby. Ants are social insects that live together in large groups. A single ant colony can have tens of thousands or more ants. Ants live and nest outside, and often, our yards provide them with a suitable habitat. When ants live near our home, it is only a matter of time before they find their way inside. Our homes offer many types of ants valuable sources of food and water and, when needed, a source of shelter. 

Ants maintain multiple nests, and worker ants leave the nest daily to forage for food. Once they discover a food source or new nesting site, they will lay down a pheromone trail to alert other colony members. If ants find that your home will provide their basic needs, it won’t take long for them to move inside and take over.  

The Many Problems Ants Can Create In Your Home

While most people view ants as nuisance pests, these small insects can cause big problems when they get into our homes. Reasons why you need to address and solve an ant infestation sooner than later include:

  • Some ants, like carpenter ants, can cause structural damage when they decide to nest inside your home.

  • Ants will contaminate your family’s stored food.

  • Ants carry and spread bacteria to counters, tables, and other surfaces.

  • Some ants can carry and spread disease-causing pathogens.

  • Ants can chew through wires and insulation.

  • The presence of ants in your home is likely to attract the attention of other predatory pests like spiders. 

Addressing an ant problem in your home as soon as you notice it is vital to your family's health and the integrity of your home. 

Five Useful Ant Prevention Techniques

Use these five ant prevention tips to help avoid finding ants at home inside your house. 

  1. Regularly empty and sanitize outdoor trash cans to prevent odors from attracting hungry ants.

  2. Maintain a clean kitchen and regularly vacuum your home to pick up crumbs and other food debris.

  3. Store firewood and construction materials away from the outside of your home.

  4. Seal openings in your home’s foundation.

  5. Eliminate areas of excess moisture in and around your home by repairing leaky pipes and poor ventilation, and eliminate areas of excess moisture. 

Be proactive in stopping ants from taking over your property by implementing the above prevention measures and through professional ant control. 

Contact Us To Completely Eliminate Ants In Your Home

To completely eliminate the ants that have found their way to your Jacksonville property, partner with us at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. Our experts are well-versed in the different types of ants that call Florida home. We understand ant behavior, how best to find and treat them, and how to partner with you to keep them away in the future. Acquiring professional ant control in Jacksonville provides you with the benefits of an ant-free home. Don’t deal with these common and persistent pests for another day; call us today for exceptional ant control.

Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!

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