Spiders Be Gone: A Guide To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Jacksonville Home

close up of spider

Spiders thrive in Florida, and every homeowner at one time or another has probably come across one of these eight-legged creatures. Finding a spider here or there in your home isn’t usually a cause for concern, but if you regularly find spiders in your home, you can’t ignore their presence. 

Spiders are predatory pests that feed on insects and help control insect populations. Often called a gardener's best friend, we rely on the free pest control they offer. However, inside our homes, they are a source of frustration. 

The team at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts is here to help you better understand these pests, provide helpful prevention tips, and offer the bestpest control in Jacksonville. Keep reading to get rid of unwanted spiders from your home once and for all!

Spider Behavior: How They Hunt, Feed, And Mate

Spiders are very easy to understand because they really only want one thing: to survive. Spiders are focused on finding food and mating to make more spiders and ensure their species survive. The more you know about their behavior, the easier it will be to keep spiders away. 

Most types of spiders we find inside our homes use webs to capture their prey. The insects get caught in the webs, giving spiders time to inject the insects with their venom and paralyze them. While web building is a common hunting tactic, it isn’t used by all spiders; some prefer to capture their prey physically. They will run after and chase down their prey.

Whether using a web or its own eight legs, after capturing and paralyzing its prey, the spider expels digestive enzymes onto the insect from their intestinal tract. The enzymes work to liquefy the insects. Then using their sponging mouthparts, they suck up their now-digested prey. 

Spiders like to mate in dry, dark areas. Our homes, sheds, and garages regularly provide them with a safe place to mate and for the females to lay their eggs. Once inside, if they are comfortable and there are insects to use as a food source, the spiders will stay. 

Spider Problems: Why You Don't Want These Arachnids In Your Home

There are many reasons why you don’t want to find spiders in your home. Some of the most concerning reasons are listed below:

  • Spiders scurrying around are unsettling.

  • Spider webs are unsightly.

  • Spiders can bite people.

  • Dangerous spiders call Florida home.

  • If spiders are in your home, so are the insects they are hunting.

Insect and spider infestations tend to occur together. The best way to maintain a pest-free home is to implement regular professional pest control services that target household pests. 

Preventing Spiders From Coming Inside: Effective Prevention Techniques

Now that you know you don’t want to share your home with Florida spiders, you must proactively keep them out. To help you prevent spiders from coming inside, here are some easy-to-implement prevention tips:

  • Make sure window and door screens are intact.

  • Place screens over vents.

  • Install door sweeps.

  • Use expanding foam to seal spaces around pipes entering your home. 

  • Seal cracks in your home’s foundation.

  • Repair damaged trim around doors.

  • Inspect things like potted plants, boxes, and outdoor furniture for spiders before bringing them inside. 

Additionally, maintaining a clean kitchen and storing food properly are vital to keeping insects out of your home.  Keeping outdoor lights off whenever possible and lids on trash cans also helps to keep insects that spiders like to eat away from our properties. 

Professional Pest Control: A Great Spider Control Solution

If you are looking for the best solution to your spider problem, our professionals at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are here to help. We will provide the necessary treatments to control spiders and their insect prey while keeping your family healthy and safe. Our quarterly pest control plans will prevent spiders and other household pests from becoming a future issue in your home. For local home pest control in Jacksonville, give us a call today.

Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!

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