Bats In Jacksonville Should Be Left To The Professionals

bat flying

Even though it’s not common to find bats in your Jacksonville home, these pests sometimes will move into a building. Once they do, they can prove difficult for homeowners to eliminate on their own. They can cause quite a bit of damage and other issues when they move into your home.

Ultimately, you need them to go away as quickly as possible. That’s where the pros at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are ready to help. We provide services for bat removal in Jacksonville, FL that are safe for your family, that protect the animals, but that also are highly effective.

Problems Bats Cause For Homeowners

Bat removal in Jacksonville is important because of the potential problems that these pests can cause for you and your family. 

One of the biggest dangers with having bats in the house is that you could expose yourself or your family to disease, often through an exposure to the droppings of these animals. The droppings also can lead to respiratory problems for people who suffer an exposure. Within the nesting area, the level of droppings can be quite significant.

As they create nests, the bats could cause structural damage to parts of your home.

However, the biggest danger occurs if you suffer a bite from a bat. These animals sometimes carry rabies, increasing the chance of the victim of the bite becoming seriously ill. Because of the danger, don’t try to grapple with these animals on your own. Let Wildlife and Pest Control Experts safely handle the removal for you.

The Most Common Areas Around Homes Where Bats Are Know To Roost

Bats are nocturnal animals, so you are unlikely to see them moving around during daylight. Most species of bats attempt to sleep during the day in areas far off the ground that have some protection from the weather.

Inside a home, you could find these pests inside attics. They also may nest underneath eaves or inside a barn or garage.

Why Bats Are Protected Species

Although bat control is important to protect your property, it also has to be done in a certain way. Many different species of bats are protected because they have a designation of endangered. 

With that in mind, our pest control experts have to use certain techniques to capture the bats without harming them. If you as a homeowner attempt to remove these animals on your own, you have a greater chance of suffering an injury yourself and potentially harming the bats, which could cause legal trouble for you.

To place a species of bat onto an endangered list, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service makes a proposal to give a particular species protection under the Endangered Species Act. Our team identifies the bats that are invading your home so we know whether these bats are endangered.

Your Solution For Bat Removal In Jacksonville

Not all professional bat removal services are created equal. At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we focus on customer service and on doing the job to your satisfaction as quickly as possible. Some advantages of hiring our team include:

  • We carry all necessary licenses and training certifications.

  • We are certified to work for residential customers.

  • We can often provide same-day services.

  • We tailor our control techniques to meet the situation at your property.

  • We follow up with you to ensure satisfaction with our work.

If you believe you have bats in your Jacksonville home, do not wait. Simply hoping the problem will go away on its own is not a viable solution. You need to be proactive about taking steps to remove these pests, and our team has the know-how to take proactive steps for you.

For a free inspection, reach out to Wildlife and Pest Control Experts today.