Protect Your Jacksonville Home From Cockroaches This Winter

cockroaches crawling

Cockroaches are never welcome when they come to visit, and Jacksonville residents have to deal with them often. Roaches are one of the most common insect infestations in the country, and they’re growing worse. Roaches breed fast, can get into almost any residence or structure, are omnivorous, and are quick to avoid danger. Once they come onto your property, they will explore every aspect of it, and if they like what they see - and they always do - they will readily stay. Roach infestations can be difficult to eliminate on your own because infestations can be complex and difficult to identify and treat and can resist ineffective DIY pest control techniques. 

Wildlife and Pest Control Experts can help you deal with roach infestations effectively and safely. If roaches have worn out their welcome, we can show them the door. Contact us today for cockroach control in Jacksonville.

Why Cockroaches Can Become A Problem Indoors In The Winter Months

Cockroaches are extremely opportunistic pests and are always on the lookout for any factors that can help them thrive. During winter months, when food becomes scarce outside and temperatures drop, roaches automatically begin looking for places to help them better endure the weather; this makes your home very appealing to them. Once roaches make their way inside, they have all the food, water, shelter, and warmth they could ask for and a perfect place to spend the winter. Roaches will stay in your home all winter if you let them.

If you need pest control for cockroaches, Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are here to help. Contact us today for help eliminating roach problems.

How Cockroaches Get Inside Jacksonville Homes

Roaches are almost perfectly shaped to get into anything. They are short and flat in profile, allowing them to fit through small openings. In addition, they have short, agile legs that help them move through even small openings and easily climb walls. Many homes are not sealed well, with gaps, holes, spaces, and other access points available for curious roaches to exploit. Given that roaches can climb well, they don’t have to look for openings on the ground floor of your home. Any opening anywhere will allow them to make their way inside, and once they do, they will stay. Unfortunately, the longer they stay, the greater the infestation will become.

Wildlife and Pest Control Experts know how to get rid of cockroaches. If you have a roach problem, we have a roach solution. Get in touch with us today for help with roaches. 

Five Tips You Should Use To Deter Cockroaches

Preventing roach infestations, in the first place, is one of the best forms of cockroach pest control. Here are some tips to help you minimize your chances of having to deal with cockroaches:

  • Seal your home well: Closing off external openings in your home can encourage curious roaches to seek other places to live.

  • Eliminate outside clutter: Roaches love hiding and nesting in clutter, and it can bring them into your home. Eliminating clutter can keep roaches far away.

  • Keep a clean home: Roaches can find plenty to eat in a dirty house. Cleaning regularly can deprive visiting roaches of easy meals.

These tips can help prevent roach infestations, but they are resourceful and may come to visit anyway. If they do, contact Wildlife and Pest Control Experts to send them on their way. 

Your Solution For Cockroach Treatment In Jacksonville

Cockroach pest control can be challenging and frustrating for homeowners, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Wildlife and Pest Control Experts are experts with local cockroach control, and we are only one call away.

Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!

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